Well it has really been a while since I have posted up what I have been doing with my training. I have been really busy with work, school, and planning a wedding. I have been training really hard following similar workouts as I have posted in the past, doing a cycle of strength one day, then cardio the next, then a light/rest day after that, and then starting back over at strength, incorporating various KB workouts all the while. I have been seeing good results with what I am doing.
I have also been playing around a bit with some MovNat training methods. I do not know much about this because it seems its in the beginning stages of being created, but I discovered it in Men's Health Magazine a couple months back and have been researching it some on the internet. I like its philosophies and have started incorporating some bear crawls, crab walks, climbing, and even a bit of running, as well as KB's to make me a true renaissance man. I like its primative methods, like KB's, that make us into the men we were designed to be. Practical strength to be able to accomplish anything life has to throw at us. If you have not heard of it, check it out on their websie at:
Well....back to training hard, hopefully I will be more diligent to post up regularly.
tv dinner trays
3 years ago
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