Being that I have no idea what I am doing with this new blog thing...I can not figure out how to edit my previous post to add some more fleeting thoughts that I did not make in my last post.
I never really explained the purpose or reason to create this blog, or its title. If you read my profile you can see that I will be graduating from UNCC soon and pursuing a career in construction. That really has no relevance on my purpose here but I thought I would make it known again. With that being said, I also have recently cultivated a passion for working out. I played soccer my whole life until the start of college. Some kids get there 'freshmen 15" or so but I developed a "college 40 to 50." I weighed 185lbs my senior year playing soccer 6 days a week and training like a mad man. Well a few years later and a bunch of carb loaded, cheap college food later mixed with no exercise, I got up to close to 240lbs. It was at that point that I knew I had to do something about it. Where did my low body fat percentage and 6 pack go? I tried to do the running thing and the gym thing but it just didn't stick because of a lack of dedication.
I was introducted to KBs a year or so ago by a friend of mine. He showed me the swing and TGU and I thought he was crazy. We worked out a few times and then we met with an RKC, the title had no meaning to me at the time. He showed us a lot and helped us master basic techniques of get-ups, swings, and cleans and presses. I bought a KB from him with lots of visions in my head of really getting into when I got back to college. Well it didnt really happen....suprise huh? Well 9 months or so passed and I got the urge again to pick up that devil bell and let it whip me into shape. I started a basic regiment and contacted the RKC, Tim, who helped me earlier on. I met with Tim and we ironed out a beginner system for me to get in great shape. I came back home ready to hit it hard and really get some results, planning to meet with Tim regularly only to get lazy again a few weeks in because life got in the way. A few months passed and I was back on it, harder than ever, ready to really get it done. I knew I could not do it alone so I tried to get all my lazy friends to hop on board with me. Nobody would bite and thought it was stupid idea so I turned to the internet to try and find some like minded people to work out with. I found a couple guys here in Charlotte, Paul and Brett, and we are meeting weekly to train hard in a local park and to keep encouraging each other. We train all week on our own and then meet on Sundays to train together. We have been doing this for a couple of months now and I have really seen a difference in my attitude towards training and know I am going to go far with it.
With all that background info out of the way....I am using this as a public declaration of me going from an average college guy to an elite athlete who will become an RKC early 2010. I am a goal oriented person so I need an end goal to work towards and I know becoming an RKC is the perfect goal. I will lead by example to my friends and family and get everyone off the couch and moving. I will get them in the best shape of their lives if they will let me help.....
tv dinner trays
3 years ago
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