Todays workout was intense as usual on Sundays. Today Paul and I knocked out another round of the card training.
52 cards with the following combo on every card. full minute rest after 8 cards are drawn, then repeat another 8 cards. Repeat this sequence until we get through the full deck.
Black Face Cards = 15 swings
Black non face cards = 10 swings
(For Swings A 60 second countdown timer will start when a swing card is drawn. Perform reps and rest until timer expires then draw next card)
Hearts = Right clean and press for number on card, 10 for face 1 for ace.
Diamonds = Left clean and press for number on card, 10 for face 1 for ace
Total reps:
Cleans and presses w/16kg: 170 (85L/85R)
Swings w/24kg: 290
Completion time: 1 hour 11mins
tv dinner trays
3 years ago
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